Necessities of Life
Now that we know we don’t wanna be
just good enough, we need to know how we can create extraordinary health and
how we can create a never-ending level of vitality, energy, passion and strength.
We need to create a LASTING CHANGE. The
true measure of success is in the sustainability
of the change across time, context and circumstance.
requires a certain mindset and psychology to build a sustainable success and
that would be based on an ongoing commitment
to 3 principles:
1- Create the Foundation
For anything to grow, you need to
build a strong base and foundation. Your foundation consist of 2 parts: An
Extraordinary mindset and
effective strategies & habits that will produce ongoing
results. (for example: In health, you need a strong mindset and mental base that
tells you, you are in charge of creating beliefs and emotions that serve you;
and also you need a physical base that includes strategies such as breath,
hydration, physical strength, movement and structure)
2- Challenge & Grow
With the strong
foundation, you have the resources to deal with the challenges and use them to
grow. Life is not perfection, it is growth.
And, growth comes from pushing through the challenges and obstacles that are
before us to attain the next level. Whatever you do to consistently create your
foundation, will shape your life and determine if you meet your challenges with
courage, faith and determination or if you allow them to overcome you with
fear, frustration and overwhelm.
3- Celebrate & Reward
Setup yourself
to win. Celebrate your victories, it
will create momentum. Instead of waiting to reward yourself after losing 40 lbs.,
acknowledge your smaller wins along the way. When you celebrate your success,
it will create a deeper hunger to build you even stronger and pull you toward
greater victory. In addition, you will raise your standards for what is
possible and you will do even more and create better habits to make a sustainable success a part of WHO YOU ARE.
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