How to Start a Healthier Diet?


      I used to love eating meaty, cheesy, oily and salty foods but unbelievably easy, it changed! First, I pushed myself for 10 days and I couldn’t wait until these days are done and I start eating meat, pizza, ice cream and cheesecake! But right after the 10 days, all of a sudden, I didn’t care about them anymore! (On most of them, to be honest!) I will tell my story later, but the good news is you are gonna learn the easiest way to a better and healthier life. With the recipes I’m gonna share with you, you will enjoy cooking even more and your food will taste even better than now! Just bear with me for the starting steps, believe me, I love to jump right into there, too!

1-     Find your own meaning of being “healthy”,

You don’t need to eliminate everything all of a sudden! Decide which food groups you want to eliminate and which ones you are going to just cut back on. Find out what is definitely bad for you and what is not really good! Eliminate the “bad” and cut on the “not good”! This is just the start, so don’t make it too hard!

2-     Find the substitutions,

If you stop having milk, you can replace it with coconut milk or almond milk, or instead of butter you can have vegan butter. Have more fruits and vegetables and drink a lot of water (when you raise your standards later you can go for alkaline water).

3-     Go Organic,

If you can plant your vegetables and some fruits, that would be the best, but if not, buy as much as you can from organic section of the super markets (Trader Joe’s is a good one) or even better than that can be the farmers market.

4-     Pay attention to what you are eating!

Power of habits shows itself here very well! There are so many overweight people that they say I don’t eat anything but I don’t lose weight! Try to catch that person inside of you and show him/her the reason of gaining weight instead of losing it!


      So, one more time, the point is to START SMALL and RAISE YOUR STANDARDS. In later posts either here or in my Pinterest account I will put some recipes to show you how easy you can make healthy food.


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