How to get motivated for a healthier lifestyle?

There is this saying “healthy mind is in a healthy body” (Latin: Mens sana in corpore sano), whatever our goal in life is, we need to be healthy and full of energy to achieve it. Imagine somebody who achieved his/her goal, look at that person’s face in your mind… Is he/she happy or sad? Full of energy or low in energy? Jumping all over or just dragging him/herself?  In peak state or low state? How does that person‘s body look like? In a good shape or really fat or too skinny?

I don’t need to tell you the right answers to these questions, you all, already know, right? Why is that? Because all of us deep inside know what is correct and what is not. But why we don’t move our ass towards our goal? (Excuse my language I’m a straight shooter)

The reason is we always find a way to lie to ourselves and believe that we are GOOD ENOUGH! Right? If you think you are good enough, soon you won’t be even good! And there is nothing as “good enough”. There is no such a thing. Progress is happiness, so if you think you are good enough, you will stop or you will slow down your progress and that’s when you start going down! You don’t want that, right?  Ok now, for those you that think you are not good enough, that’s good, you are right and you are in a right path, THE PROGRESS PATH. So, let’s get together and create a group full of energy and push each other, learn from each other and help each other to GROW.

In the next post I’m gonna talk about the necessities of life, but for now I like to stick to some general ideas:

1-      Don’t make everything complicated

2-      Set your goals

3-      Don’t be an over achiever! You have to make small goals and go step by step toward your goals, otherwise you never start.

4-      Start NOW

5-      Celebrate (Shake your ass) because you already started J


I don’t like long posts, so I keep it simple and straight, LET’S DO IT. See you in the next post on the “Necessities of Life”.


With Love



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